Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's been a whirl-wind of a week. The four other people that live in my house were absolutely thrilled that I had no voice yesterday evening and into this morning. This is the second cold I've had in a matter of a few weeks, I'm sure I've picked up something from the kids.

The power was out island-wide this morning. When the power would come on and off again (it flickered a couple of times) our smoke detectors would sound off. Funny thing is that Joshua was standing a time-out the first time the smoke detector went off, and he knew he was in serious hot water, so he didn't move from the time-out spot. So we had a long talk about what to do when we hear the smoke detector go off. Fortunately for us, we had plenty of practice with the alarms sounding 3 other times this morning.
Then Keith took the boys out in to the garage and had them come in bearing flowers and candy. I got the red roses and Megan got the pink ones. Daniel sang Happy Birthday to Mommy and it was so sweet I couldn't interrupt him.
Then Daniel decided I needed a physical because I've been coughing and just feeling yucky. He actually gives a good physical. He checked my ears and my lungs and my temperature.


Rachel Holloway said...

We had such a busy, crazy day too! I love the story about Daniel giving you a physical. He must have been to a Dr. or two recently! (??) Or he is just a super smart kid! Probably the latter...

Lisa said...

Lovely flowers - happy birthday, how sweet! Lisa

Zach and Beth said...

Aww...that is SO sweet! From the flowers to the physical to the "Happy Birthday" serenade.