Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Be-Lated Thanksgiving!

Sorry, no pictures today, just updates.

We've had a busy past week or so. The excitement came when my mom was in the hospital for a few days and things were looking pretty serious for the first day. The Coast Guard and the Red Cross were fabulous and offered to get me tickets and send me down to Florida. However, by the time I could get our lives together with travel plans, changing Thanksgiving plans, was extubated and able to talk to me on the phone and she ordered me to stay put. While I am so appreciative of the services that would allow me to go home, I really feel as if I should save those services for if the sitation worsens before the kids and I can get there (as in our upcoming move that will happen sometime between January and July). Mom is home and is in great spririts.

I cooked a fabulous (if I must say so myself!) Thanksgiving meal. Keith invited a single young man to come over and have lunch with us. He had a really good time, and really loved hanging out with the kids. We had lunch around 1pm and then Daniel went off to take a nap. Joshua, Keith and Zach (our guest) played some tennis and golf on the wii. Megan decided she wanted to brush my hair, so I layed down on the couch and she made me beautiful. We all stayed up late and watched Transformers.

We had planned to take a 4 day weekend from school, but Joshua really wanted to do some school work today, so we had a very successful day of homeschooling. I need to bring his progress report and some samples of his work to the homeschooling office. I meant to do that earlier this week, but with all the excitement surrounding my mom, my telephone has been extreemely busy! Joshua shows adequate progress in all subjects, and I will go back to posting weekly school updates starting next Friday. The past two weeks were pretty light on actual curriculum school and heavy on crafts, field trips and stories. We are back up at full speed now.

Megan had Nutcracker rehearsal on the main stage today. She had a serious case of stage fright. She stood there like a deer in the headlights. I think they are in their costumes for the next rehearsal and the audience lights will be down, so there will be less distractors. I purchased our tickets for the show (yikes...they were pretty expensive...I don't remember paying that much for the matinee show when we lived in Boston!). I am working backstage for the Saturday night show. We are taking the boys to see Megan perform for the Sunday 2pm show. We will be taking two vehicles in case Daniel decides he's done sitting still, Keith can take him home, I'm pretty sure he'll only make it to the intermission. Megan performs in the first act only. In fact, the bunnies perform about 10 minutes into the show.

I registered for my last two classes this week. Yippee! I'm officially approved for graduation in April. I'll write more about that another time.

Plans for this weekend include putting away the harvest/fall decorations and starting to pull out Christmas stuff. I think I'm going to pack away our Thankful tree to put up again next year. I think the kids will get a big kick out of seeing what they were thankful for this year.

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I'm especially looking forward to hearing about Keith's parents trip to Savanah and eating at The Lady and Sons. Yummy!!

1 comment:

SoggyToad said...

I am so glad your mom is doing better. That must have been really tough to be so far! One of these days you'll have to tell me more about your home-schooling program & curriculum. I'm thinking seriously about it for our little ones. I think Sage will be ready for something by next fall. I have a few activity books, but I'd be curious to see what you guys are using w/ Megan for pre-school age. Anyway, glad you had a fun Thanksgiving. See you Monday!... Oh, just the apple peels made it to the pie... I should snuck in something else cuz it was really sweet!