Saturday, October 20, 2007

A little something for MY side of the family. :)

My apologies to the other side of the family, whose baseball loyalties are with a different team.

This was Thursday evening watching the Red Sox game. Megan was climbing through my closet looking for clothes to dress up in, so I gave her my jersey to put on since it matches so well with her red Snow White heels. My dad would be so proud! Don't forget the headband! She is in a stage where she absolutely must wear a headband every day. I don't mind, since it covers up the hack job she did when she decided to cut her own hair a couple of weeks ago.

Daniel is in a bit of a headband phase right now, too. The headband and the shopping cart are his two favorite things. I think it is hilarious. Keith does not. :)


Lydia Netzer said...

Oooo, the accessorizing milestone!!! So important -- put it in the baby book! Hehehe. :) Today, she picked out a matching headband and a cute bag! Whee! On tomorrow's syllabus we'll learn whether or not it's cool to match your lip color to your nails.

The Little Wife said...

Megan is adorable. I love it! WTG Red Sox!