Saturday, November 22, 2008

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

On Wednesday this past week, Daniel and I went with Joshua's class to see the play If You Give a Moose a Muffin based on the book by Laura Numeroff. We are huge fans of Laura Numeroff and have quite a few of her books. We even have an If You Give a Mouse a Cookie set of felts for our felt board and the kids retell the story over and over again.

I had never been to the Shakespeare Theater before. It was awesome. Joshua's teacher prepared the classroom very well for theatre etiquette. This is something we've been really working with the kids with - respecting all parts of a performance/movie/church, not just the parts that interest them. I have brag that they are doing fantastic with this. Or perhaps I'm just perfecting my "mommy glare".
The kids were seated on little mats to watch the performance. I was so proud of them for resisting the urge to touch the characters. The moose got very close to Daniel and he moved from his place on the mat up into my lap.

It was a great play. The people at the theatre were extremely kind to our group. I sent them a nice email thanking them for a wonderful time, since I am the field trip coordinator for Joshua's class.


Rachel Holloway said...

That looks so fun!!! What a great place to go!

I bet you do have your kids totally in line at performances...I could totally see that. :) We are still trying to get church shows for us! :) (yet)

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes me happier than proper etiquette at performances...I've attended one too many Nutcrackers with a screaming child kicking my seat. Society thanks you! :)