Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tom Brady vs. Tim Tebow

In our house, we've been Tim Tebow fans since the Gator days. We like his sportsmanship and his skills. Last year, Keith and the kids bought me a Tim Tebow poster for my sewing area out in the playroom.

Friends that know that I'm a Patriots fan had been teasing me all week, wondering how I'm going to survive Tim Tebow being up against Tom Brady for the big game. The kids are Patriots fans as well, and so the boys busted out their Patriots shirts as soon as we got home from church.

The local high school's mascot is the Patriot as well, so the boys get plenty of wear from these shirts.

We had some yummy football snacks and settled in for a late football game. Until Keith went missing. I found him in the kitchen snacking on the buffalo chicken dip and working on something secretive.

Keith came out of the kitchen in his very own Tebow shirt to cheer on the Broncos in a living room full of Patriots fans. So brave and so handsome!

It was tough to see Tebow have such a bad game. But it was a great Patriots victory! We enjoyed our football snacks and had a great time watching the game. The kids passed out after the first quarter and I struggled to stay awake until the end of the game, knowing that I had to get up bright and early for work the next day.

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